The Australian Healthcare Practitioner Education Association (AHPEA) is the peak body representing the clinicians, academic educators and students, and supports and advances education in the health care professions. It is a multidisciplinary organisation for health practitioners to connect, collaborate, educate and support one another. It intends to encompass undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and training and facilitates communication between educators by providing a network and database of expertise.
Member Services
Clinical Professional DevelopmentContinually upgrade professional knowledge and skills with workshops offered by AHPEA to ensure delivery is of highest standard.
Health Educator RepresentationPromote, support and advance education in the health professions.
Practitioner Experience ExchangeShare clinical, business, industry tips with one another and provide a positive, collaborative support network in a multidisciplinary environment.
Upcoming Events & News
Practical Trigger Point Dry Needling Therapies for Remedial Massage Therapists and Myotherapists
[Day Class: 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th April, 2019]
Course outline:
This course aims to provide qualified Remedial Massage Therapists the necessary Dry Needling skillset to apply to clients with myofascial trigger point conditions.
36 contact hours delivery at Mastery Institute of Australia
Total of 12 Sessions will be delivered including the below Modules:
AHPEA member will enjoy $350 discount, fee at $1000
[Day Class: 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th April, 2019]
Course outline:
This course aims to provide qualified Remedial Massage Therapists the necessary Dry Needling skillset to apply to clients with myofascial trigger point conditions.
36 contact hours delivery at Mastery Institute of Australia
Total of 12 Sessions will be delivered including the below Modules:
- Introduction, history and current evidence based medicine
- Safe practice
- Clinical application guideline 1 & 2
- Dry needling principles and concepts 1, 2, & 3
- Regional dry needle application: Posterior spinal muscles; Lower leg and foot muscles; Posterior, anterior and medial thigh muscles; Pectoral girdle, glenohumeral and upper limbs; Hip and pelvis muscles; Cervical spine muscles
- Practical clinical case studies and Complex clinical cases
AHPEA member will enjoy $350 discount, fee at $1000
或是在這遇到瓶頸? 病人回診率低 病人滿意度低 快來跟澳洲註冊物理治療師學習 - 快速增加病人量 - 建立臨床思維的邏輯與架構 - 解讀患者需求,提升依從性 - 鑑別診斷、治療計畫與方針連成一線 - 立馬看到治療成效的要領 一天當中學會這些並不難, 因為疼痛的成因往往是有跡可循 難就難在如何在治療過程中 如何引導患者的大腦與身體的連結 報名ETA 效能思維,幫你突破自費市場的瓶頸 |
Myotherapy Treatments of Lumbopelvic disorder
This course is designed to provide an opportunity for remedial massage therapist, myotherapist and junior physiotherapist to develop their practical skills and clinical reasoning associated with different musculoskeletal conditions. The primary aim of the program is to integrate articular, muscle and motor control problems based on Myotherapy treatments to provide a comprehensive approach to the management of musculoskeletal pain disorder. This course is a blend of theory, scientific research, and practical elements on “Lumbopelvic” disorders. |